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October is over... What are your Goals for November?

Hello beautiful, it's Lakisha here and I know I literally have not posted in what seems like forever. Every now and then I go through this period of re-evaluating my choices and priorities that I have made thus far and think of ways to improve on them or start new ones altogether.

It's always nice to purge things from your life every once in a while to give yourself the time to discover you at every moment of your life. Whether that be a new chapter, a defining moment in your life or simply decluttering your psyche.

This month my focus is balance. I want to truly make myself a priority. Journaling has been something I have wanted to make time for, I finally committed to it. Recently, I have started to bullet journal and its been a creative way to keep myself organized and also express my thoughts. I want to start by updating you on what has been going on in my life right now and my goals for the foreseeable future.

First thing's first, I finally graduated from University back in June (YAY) so that has been an enormous weight lifted off my shoulders. The moment however, was bittersweet because my father passed away from cancer just a few days before my graduation. I was never particularly close to my father, but there was still a lot of grief and unanswered questions I had to go through during that time. Questions that, to be honest, I am still dealing with now. I wont get too into the nitty gritty right now though.

During the Summer, I decided to take a break from most of social media to just focus on myself for a while. A life detox where I took the necessary time to just be by myself, for once. I deleted Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat from my phone (while I couldn't bare to delete Instagram or YouTube, I just did not post anything for a while).

It really helped me to de-stress and think more positively, I really recommend taking a moment to declutter your life.

Learn 10 ways to Declutter Your Life!

Fast-forward, after 3 months of job applications and waiting and waiting for replies while spending everyday at the dreaded retail job that I had had for almost 2.5 years now and was so ready to move on from, I finally got a call back. After 3 rounds of interviews, I finally landed my first big girl office job, with a steady pay check, perks and benefits (Whoohoo!)

When I graduated school, my goal was to be on track to becoming financially independent and with this full time job under my belt, I'm one step closer to that goal.

At this time, it is important for me to move on to PHASE 2 of my goal: Work-Life balance.

I feel as though at any given point in time, a person is always in Phase 2, because its one of the most important yet difficult phases to master, but that's my goal now. I want to make time for me, my health and simply doing the things I love and truly enjoy.

I am a creative person by nature and I have so many creative projects in mind that I want to actualize but never found the time to do so. My hands have been itching to see them through and I want to focus and really make time for that.

My friends and family are also a huge priority in my life. The majority of my close friends are still in school and hours away from me, and their schedules don’t align with mine which is why keeping up with them is difficult (and I don’t mean 10 second snapchat stories). On that note, most of my family live in the Caribbean so its hard to keep in contact with them all the time too because we're on different lifestyle schedules, but family is important to me and I want to make a bigger effort in my relationships.

Lastly, taking care of me, my favourite part. Mind, Body and Soul. "The moment you think you know everything is the precise moment you know nothing at all." I don’t remember where I heard that quote from but it is so true. Just because I am done school after 15 years of sitting in a classroom, doesn’t mean I'm done learning. There is always something more to know, something more to hear, to see or to read and I want to make that a priority. 

These of course are just the skeletons of my PHASE 2 plan but I think I am finally on the right track. A big part of that is posting this right now. I don't usually post too many heart-to-heart entries on my blog but I want to make that a reoccurring thing. Adulting is hard, and by no means do I think I am an adult yet (lets face it, I am practically a 5 year old in a 16 year olds body!) But all jokes aside, there are plenty of things I wish I had not done or done differently. There is no use keeping them to myself, its better to share these experiences in hopes of making better ones - not only for yourself but those around you.

So cheers to giving this thing called "Adulting" a try.
