REVIEW: Aveeno Positively Radiant Skin Brightening Daily Scrub

Aveeno Positively Radiant Skin Brightening Daily Scrub

Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate. I can't stress enough how important it is to remove the layer of dead skin cells off the surface of your skin. Most importantly, you want to do this very gently. You don't want to harm the new skin cells either, so finding a happy medium is essential.

I got my hands on this physical exfoliator that claims to give a gentle polish to the surface of the skin and I have been using it for about 2 months now to really see how I like it.

The results are in, and today I'm giving you my review of the Aveeno Positively Radiant Skin Brightening Daily Scrub. 

The scrub comes with about 5 oz of product at $6.99 a tube on the Aveeno website. It claims to improve skin tone, texture. It is oil-free, soap-free,  non-comedogenic, hypoallergenic, and "gentle enough for everyday use, even on sensitive skin."

Aveeno Scrub

I have combination-oily skin that can be mildly sensitive to certain products so I was very excited to try the Skin Brightening Daily Scrub with all the claims it holds. To my surprise, the exfoliating beads are very, very small. They almost feel like crushed rice balls (if that makes any sense) much smaller and gentler than sugar. And their smooth round edges prevent them from creating micro-tears in the skin. 

Aveeno's scrub product is so light, my face doesn't feel tight, because it doesn't dry out my skin. It is oil-free so I don't get that oily feeling either. My face doesn't necessarily feel silky smooth because I don't think it is loaded with silicone but my face just feels like skin. As for the brightening effect, when you're face is clean it will always look bright. This is not going to single-handedly fade your dark spots but getting rid of the dead skin on the surface of your face will help your overall appearance. 

Just make sure that you are letting the beads do their job. I know you might feel the need to press into the skin as you exfoliate but it is really not necessary, it is a top no-no, because doing so can damage the skin. Because it is so gentle, I am able to use it 2-3 times a week. It has become an integral part of my weekly night routine before I actually cleanse my face. I love this product and have been raving about it for some time now.

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I truly recommend giving Aveeno's Positively Radian Skin Brightening Daily Scrub a try. It's inexpensive and really gentle for weekly use.