3 Essential Steps for Beginners on a Spiritual Journey

If you are just starting your spiritual journey, tarot, and all things occult, here are three things that you need to know.

1. Read and read a lot.

Everything, every text you can get your hands on. Don't just take information from Pinterest and TikTok, like myself, as fact. Research them for yourself. Try reading spirituality from different points of view. This could be different religions, different types of practices, things of that nature. Because this is what's going to expand your wealth of knowledge and allow you to see commonalities. everywhere.

For me, this was the way that I really opened my mind to understand that everything was connected and I searched for the commonalities amongst the different philosophies and that's kind of where I found mine.

2. Introducing Inner Work!

Your journey will be absolutely stunted if you do not focus on growing yourself. This means confronting all of the parts of you that you don't really like, the parts of you that you, you know, shove in a corner and you don't really want to deal with.

Spirituality, as fun and as beautiful as it is - it is hard work. If it doesn't feel like hard work, then you're likely not doing it properly. My journaling sessions always end up in epiphany sessions and leave me crying by the end. If you know, you know.

3. Practice

It's called a spiritual practice for a reason. It means that you have to not just Take in this knowledge and regurgitate, but to actually incorporate it into your life. If you learn about crystals, get crystals for yourself and use them in your daily practice. If you learn about herbs, use them in your daily practice, water, so on and so forth.

Word of caution…

Keep in mind that there are certain things that you should not be touching. There are closed practices, things that are unique to certain cultures, certain groups of people, and you don't need to be a part of all of these things. Okay? If you've not been invited in and it's not a part of your culture, then just leave it alone.

Additionally, remember not play around with things that you do not understand because as much as there are beautiful, good spirits out there that want good things for you, there are also bad spirits with ill intent towards you, and you do not want to be bothering them in any way. One of the 14 Universal Laws is a Law of Polarity, where there is something good, there is also something bad.

There's always a yin and yang. And with spirituality, it is absolutely the same thing. So just be aware, be mindful, but have fun. Don't think that you need to know everything to start practicing. I think that's something that holds a lot of novices back because they feel like they need to know everything before you can jump into any sort of practice.

That is definitely not the case. It takes time. And the fact that you have already started this journey and you're interested in learning these things, it means that you're already making headways.

So be proud of that, because I'm proud of you.