I Did an At Home Makeup Allergy Test!

ONE OF THE BEST THINGS you can do for you skin (besides buying the most luxurious products money can buy) is patch testing your products. You want to cater your skin care regimen to you’re specific skin care needs. And because all skin is different what may work for one person with your skin type may be detrimental to yours. This is why I can’t stress enough, boys and girls get your samples and try them out before committing to a 60$ bottle of the real deal.

MY SKIN HAS BEEN in a funk recently and I experienced some king of rash all over my face and neck. I recently switched up my routine so I'm now on the hunt for the culprit of my breakout using an at home makeup allergy test. Roll up your sleeves and get ready to spot test products for makeup and beauty allergies!

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what you need: products, large bandages (or athletes tape and tissue paper), scissors. 

Put products on tissue paper

I actually did this test twice because the first time, I put the products directly on the tissue paper so the majority of the product didn't even touch my skin. 

Put tissue on your forearm
Stick down patches with tape
Second time without tissue paper

My second attempt was much more successful. I squeezed a bit of each product on to my forearm and used a Q-Tip to make an even circle of the product into my skin. This makes it so much easier to see where the product was put when I wipe it off. 

3 irritation spots

It seems as though there are three culprits that left marks on my skin. First is the most prominent, the Sephora Concealer. I have had it for some time now, so it might mean that its expired more than I am allergic to it. In any case, we're tossing that one.

 The next two are kind of inconclusive. NARS All Day Luminous Foundation. The spot is a bit dark but I can't really tell if its because of the foundation or because of my natural arm colour. Also to note, this is the old version of the NARS, so I'll try the new mixture to see if I get different results. Same goes with The Ordinary Foundation which is dark but it could be that I didn't rub it off enough. We will be doing a secondary test for those two to see if they are actually irritating my skin or if its just testing error. 

I was pleasantly surprised that none of my skin care items left any irritation on my skin. This just means that there is some other culprit I need to find. 
