but first, skincare
The 5 BASIC Skin Types
The most important thing you can do for you skin doesn't cost very much at all. Finding out what is your unique skin type is the first step towards enjoying beautiful, radiant skin (and it doesn’t cost a penny!).
UMC Week 13: Anti-Pollution
This weeks is all about detoxing the skin. Everything we put on the outside is absorbed deep into our skin. This is why it is important to detox, and cleanse out the impurities that build up in our skin overtime.
Week 12 UMC: Honey Honey
This week we're taking it back au naturel! Honey. This liquid gold is an amazing ingredient that can help heal various skin conditions.
Week 11 UMC: Instant Detox!
Its week 11 and we're still going strong. Its time to give the skin at much needed detox. This week's theme is Instant Detox! Clear out the gunk in the skin and let the good skin shine through.
Week 10 UMC: Exfoliate!
This week is all about gently peeling back the layers back of dead skin to reveal beautiful new skin. This time around, give yourself a light exfoliation that will leave your skin feeling bright, and soft to the touch.
Week 9 UMC: Gentle Works
Week 9 of the Ultimate Mask Challenge is all about gentle skin care. Give your skin that green glow because Gentle Works!
Stress: The Reason You Might Be Breaking Out
If you're experiencing a lot more breakouts than normal, then it's time to find out the real culprit. Here's 5 solutions to combating stress related break-outs. #skincare #stressedout
Week 8 UMC: All Time Favourites
IT'S BEEN 8 weeks since starting this challenge and I can definitely say my skin is loving me for it. Making sure to get a mask in at least once a week gives my face that extra much needed TLC. This week's mask challenge is all about favourites.
Week 7 UMC: Boosting Vibrance
Its Week 7 and its about time to add some extra vibrancy to the skin. For me, I just finished my irritated period skin and if you know anything about how your period effects your skin, you'll know that now is the perfect time to add that extra boost to the skin.
Week 6 UMC: Unconventional DIY
AHH, a really cheap way to get that mirror glass skin. DIYs are favourites of mine. I love the thought of using ingredients that are good for you (an you can pronounce) already in your fridge to boost your beauty routine.
Why Dry Shampoo Is BAD For Your Hair
Like most people you grab that trusty Dry Shampoo bottle to go an extra 3 days without washing. It feels soft to the touch, it's shiny and smells great right? But can this quick fix be doing more harm than good?
Week 5 UMC: Multimasking
Look at your skin carefully, and decide what it needs. Now don't get too crazy. It's still one face so you don't want to overload your skin with products. A limit of 2-3 masks is a great happy medium.
Week 4 UMC: 10 Minute Rescue
We all want beautiful skin but sometimes our lifestyle doesn't allow us to do a full facial routine. Sometimes we need something quick and easy to get the job done.
Week 3 UMC: Lips, Hands & Feet
This week is all about pampering the areas we typically forget to show some love to. That means lips, hands and feet.
Week 2 UMC: That Glam Glow
WELCOME to week 2 of the Ultimate Mask Challenge! Congrats on making it to round two. This week is brand focused, the chosen brand by public demand (lol) is GlamGlow!
Go Green With Your Beauty Routine
I made a list of skin care products that you don't have to spurge on, you can add these simple DIY's to your existing routine or try a All Green Routine! This is my All Natural Skin Care Routine.
The Ultimate Mask Challenge: Hydration | 01
This week is all about Hydration. Because alcohol is synonymous New Years Eve, its the perfect time to replenish that moisture that the body is seriously lacking, so put on the most hydrating mask you can find and let your skin soak up the extra hydration!
How your Period Affects your Skin
One thing that every girl has to deal with is her period. This uncomfortable time of the month is nature's way of showing you, that your are healthy. During your 28-Day cycle, your skin goes through a lot of fluctuation. From an overproduction of oil, to excess dryness and (you guessed it) blemishes! So what exactly is going on with your skin during your cycle, here is the breakdown.
5 beauty habits you should NOT be doing
Here are 5 habits that even I am guilty of doing sometimes that are damaging the skin and I also share 5 habits to make instead. Do this, not that.
Hormones and Your Skin
For women, one of the major causes of hormone unbalance is menstruation. The body undergoes a lot of changes that make an untimely visit on the surface of our skin. Here are 3 major hormones that affect our skin during menstruation.